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Some more information about kenyan athletes

Renato Canova über das Training kenianischer Weltklasseläufer, gute Gründe, warum die Jungs (und mittlerweile auch Mädels) so schnell sind, warum sie so schnelle Schlußrunden laufen können ... war für mich bis jetzt fast der interessanteste thread.


"If a man coaches himself, then he has only himself to blame when he is beaten."
- Sir Roger Bannister

DerC hat geschrieben:Renato Canova über das Training kenianischer Weltklasseläufer, gute Gründe, warum die Jungs (und mittlerweile auch Mädels) so schnell sind, warum sie so schnelle Schlußrunden laufen können ... war für mich bis jetzt fast der interessanteste thread.
Passend dazu eine aktuelle Diskussion Coach Renato Canova on Athletics Kenya's receiving end. -- was "hinter den Kulissen" so zugeht, und man nie in der Zeitung zur Olympia-Bereichterstattung wird lesen koennen.

Hi cpr,

nur mal als positives Feedback ... finde immer wieder mal interessant, was du da so ausgräbst :daumen: .


yall, What kind of runner am I?
My predicted times for the 400-mile and 10k-half marathon more or less line up to what I am able to run, however. Typically I can outperform other guys I run with at things like the 400-mile as well as the 10k-half marathon. I also really love long runs, long intervals with short recovery, and fast 400's. I don't like hard 1200's and mile repeats with longer recoveries.

When it comes to the 3k-8k I can't keep up. Is there any good explanation for this? Is this an artifact of my training or is it possible that my body excels at middle distances and longer distance races?
A guess: High Vo2max, low LT.

You've got a great cardio system that allows you to deliver lots of oxygen quickly to your muscles, which is why the short intervals and races are good. And your same good cardio system gives you a pretty high aerobic threshold, as long as you stay away from your threshold. But, since your LT is low, you struggle with the intermediate distances because your LT is too close to your aerobic threshold.

Implications for training: you need more LT runs: longer, easier tempos at HM to marathon pace where you come at the lactic threshold from the aerobic side.
The things that will help you most are (1) Shorter, faster repeats with lots of recovery, like 6-8 x 200. (2) Longer, progressive tempos (like 40-60 minutes, working down to HM or marathon pace), and (3) Lots of easy running. On the days you are not running a tempo or a workout, try not to engage your fast twitch fibers.

Your danger will always be burn-out and over-training, so focus on consistency and stay away from gut-wrenching intensity. Racing every other week or so will provide enough of that.

Suprised at the lack of nutrion posts on here....
Lieferung voraussichtlich: 27 Oktober 2008 - 29 Oktober 2008
Voraussichtlicher Versand dieser Artikel: 25 Oktober 2008 1 "Endurance Sports Nutrition"
Suzanne Girard Eberle; Taschenbuch; EUR 15,99
Ja, das stand "noch 1 verfuegbar"! ;)

Danke. Canova hat mir echt mal wieder die Augen geöffnet:
cpr hat geschrieben: NEVER you have to lose what you were able to conquire. This means that, if you are a 1500m runner able to run at the end of your winter season, 1 hr at 3'30" (17 km), you CANNOT reach your best results if, in July, you are able running 10 x 300 in 42" with 1:00 recovery, but in 1 hr you are only more able to run 15 km. TRAINING IS TO ADD, NOT TO REPLACE.

"If a man coaches himself, then he has only himself to blame when he is beaten."
- Sir Roger Bannister

DerC hat geschrieben:Danke. Canova hat mir echt mal wieder die Augen geöffnet:
Ja, das hat sich mir auch tief eingebrannt.

Real Low Mileage performers.
Jim Spivey hat geschrieben:As Dr Martin said to me:
"If you think getting in 100 per week is the answer, then count in kilometers, you will get there a lot faster."
Jim Spivey hat geschrieben:switched this workout to 2x800(5 mins rest, jogging), as that is when your lactic acid peaks after a hard interval (Dr. Martin again). When you jump off the treadmill, lactic acid was usually 107-115%. 5 minutes post treadmill test, Dr. Dave would take blood. At one point in my testing, it was as high as 178%. Took 5 minutes between 800's to maximize how I would feel.
Jim Spivey hat geschrieben:I think the one thing that is overlooked here, is that, do you believe in your training. I cannot understate how important that fact is.

Ich finde es an der Zeit, einige Slow-Twitch/Fast-Twitch Hyperlinks mal an einer Stelle zusammenzufassen:
cpr hat geschrieben:
cpr hat geschrieben:2 kinds of runners. Which are you? (Cabral & Hadd ueber slow twitch und fast twitch)
deep link into question on fiber types and training (just read Hadd & Cabral's thread)
sowie in 2 kinds of runners. Which are you?
DerC hat geschrieben:
Danke. Canova hat mir echt mal wieder die Augen geöffnet:
Canova hat geschrieben:NEVER you have to lose what you were able to conquire. This means that, if you are a 1500m runner able to run at the end of your winter season, 1 hr at 3'30" (17 km), you CANNOT reach your best results if, in July, you are able running 10 x 300 in 42" with 1:00 recovery, but in 1 hr you are only more able to run 15 km. TRAINING IS TO ADD, NOT TO REPLACE.
Der hier ist neu:
Canova hat geschrieben:The main goal of interval training of the extensive kind (ie: in the form of great number of sets with short and active recovery) is to improve the aerobic condition and the aerobic power, and at its ultimate, to improve what we call strength endurance &#8212]Is aerobic base training dead???[/url])

Es ist ein wenig stating the obvious, aber dennoch:
How I tell if I need more distance/mileage:

1. Run a race, paying attention to which system becomes strained first - is it breathing or physical (pace starts feeling too fast in the legs before respiration is completely labored)

2. If breathing goes first or at the same time as physical, consider increasing mileage. Also make sure to get enough iron and B-12.

3. If legs go first, emphasize quality faster running.
ALL LETSTRUNNERS / Weekly Mileage? PR's? Is there a ratio?
In diesem Thread bitte das Ausgangsposting beachten.

Remember always the most important principle of training : for going in shape, you need NOT to replace some type of training with something else, but to ADD something that before you didn't do, maintaining the level you reached in all the other training. So, if you have the same endurance, but more strength and/or reactivity, you run faster. But, if you have a lot of speed, good strength and reactivity, but your endurance is 50% of your best, forget you can be in shape for middle distances.
Shaheen parts company with Renato conova

Runner's Laws *g*
Law 19: If you pass a biker while running, …

In diesem Thread bitte das Ausgangsposting beachten.

mit Nr. 18 könnte man auch einen Thread mit mindestens 300 posts lostreten, glaube ich :D
"Dogs are the enemy, treat them as such". :hihi:

von Nr. 19 laß ich lieber die Finger. Ich glaube das gibt's nur bergauf :hihi: .

You can only fail if you give up too soon


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